Step 1 Your Details

      Your Personal Details

    • Emergency Contact Details

    Step 2 Health Assessment

      Please answer the following:

    • Yes
    • Yes
    • Yes
    • Yes
    • Yes
    • Yes
    • Yes

    Step 3 Terms & Conditions

    Exercising safely

    Before you begin any exercise, programme or begin to follow any of the personal training recommendations, advice or other instructions, you should first consult your doctor and have a physical examination. The recommendations, advice and instructions provided by Kieron Franklin and JK House, are in no way intended to replace or to be construed as medical advice. JK House, offers no warranties or representations regarding the advice, instructions, email advice or any other information provided. You should be aware and accept that participating in exercise has a risk of causing injury, both minor and potentially major. JK House shall not be liable for any claims, demands, damages, rights of action or causes of action, present or future, arising out of or connected to any instruction or information provided, including any injuries resulting there from.

    Payments and Cancellations

    JK House requests full payment in advance for all personal training services prior to commencement of contracted time period. This is non-refundable. Notification of cancellation for pre-booked personal training sessions is requested at least 24 hours in advance of the appointed time, to incur no charge. No notification of cancellation or not arriving for the appointment incurs the full fee for the session.

    All contracted personal training sessions must be used within 3 months commencing from the first paid session with the exception of personal training sessions paid by direct debit, which must be used within the calendar month which they were paid for. In the event that your personal trainer cancels a pre-booked session providing less than 24 hour's notice, your personal trainer should reschedule the missed session. All personal training sessions cancelled by the Trainer and paid by direct debit should be rescheduled by the trainer with the client.

    Your Privacy

    We recognise that privacy is a fundamental element of public trust and confidence in our service. We are well aware of client's privacy concerns and as such, adopt responsible privacy standards to provide clients with privacy protections in accordance with the GDPR Data Protection Act 2018.


    I understand and am aware that exercise and physical activity is potentially hazardous to my health.

    I understand that participation in physical activity may result in injury and possibly even death, and that I voluntarily choose to participate in activities that are included in any Personal Training program.

    I declare myself to be physically sound and suffering from no condition, impairment. disease. infirmity, or illness ttiat should, prevent me from participating in vigorous physical exercise or activities.

    I accept any risk and accept full responsibility for my participation. I agree to hold JK House, along with all franchisees agents, officers, employees and any affiliated companies from any liability with respect to injury or property damage arising out information. instruction or support given.

    I accept the waiver

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